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  • What Is Macular Degeneration Of The Eye?

    Imagine for a moment that reading was to become very difficult, the words on the page blurry, and your glasses didn’t help. Or try to envision what it would be like to look at your child and see their hair and ears, but not the middle of their face. What if a musician suddenly could not […]

    Continue Reading January 31, 2019

  • meet-our-staff-kayla-david

    Meet Our Staff: Kayla David A.K.A Karla

    Name: Kayla David Position: Optician Where are you from originally?  Buckhannon, WV When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville?  October 1, 2016 What are your interests outside of work? Taking care of our chickens and cows, and being active outdoors. What is your favorite task during the workday? Checking job statuses – I like […]

    Continue Reading January 10, 2019

  • what is the eye disease glaucoma?

    What Is The Eye Disease Glaucoma?

    Try to think back to your last eye exam. Your eye doctor probably performed a test where he used either a puff of air or blue light to check the pressure in your eye. It’s a little weird, and a little in your personal space, but it’s a pretty important test. He may or may […]

    Continue Reading January 7, 2019

  • A Practice With Purpose: What You’ve Accomplished With Us In 2018

    2018 has been a big year for all of us. For our practice, for our staff in their individual lives, and for our patients in theirs. There have been highs and lows. Tears and laughter. Births, deaths, graduations, marriages, changes, growth, joy, grief, and more. As each of us walk our individual paths, we also […]

    Continue Reading December 11, 2018

  • Diabetic Eye Exam: What To Expect Each Year

    If you’re a diabetic, chances are your medical doctor puts you through a regular series of testing each year to make sure your sugar levels are staying under control. One of the things he or she will ask is if you’ve had your yearly diabetic eye exam. When an optometrist performs a thorough, dilated eye […]

    Continue Reading October 25, 2018