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  • Products We Love: Daily Contact Lenses

      Contact lenses are an ever-evolving product, as competing manufacturers push to come out with new materials that are made with cutting edge technology. In recent years, daily contact lenses have been a huge trend in the contact lens world. We’ve personally fallen in love with the many benefits of daily disposable contacts, and we think […]

    Continue Reading May 8, 2018

  • 7 Reasons You Should Wear Sunglasses This Summer

    Getting ready for sunshine, the beach, camping trips, vacations – SUMMER? When you’re shopping for your new summer clothes and planning your getaways, don’t forget to purchase a quality pair of sunglasses. They’re way more than just cool; they’re a necessity. Check it out the top seven reasons you should wear sunglasses this summer: ONE: […]

    Continue Reading April 17, 2018

  • Meet Our Staff: Rilee Kasbee A.K.A “Riles”

      Rilee Kasbee Position: Optician 1. Where are you from originally? Cochranton, PA 2. When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville? June 2017 3. What are your interests outside of work? I like to hunt and fish. 4. What is your favorite task during the work day? I like explaining the benefits of different products to people and […]

    Continue Reading April 17, 2018

  • Why Is UV Light Bad For Your Eyes

    Why Is UV Light Bad For Your Eyes?

      While sunlight is beneficial to us and our world for many reasons, most of us know too many UV rays can be harmful to our bodies. But even though in the back of our minds we know we should protect our skin and eyes from the sun, many of us don’t have transition eyeglass […]

    Continue Reading April 17, 2018

  • Meet Our Staff: Shelby Crider A.K.A. “Shelbert”

    Position: Optometric Technician 1. Where are you from originally? Atlantic, PA 2. When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville? April 2017 3. What are your interests outside of work? I really like spending time with my family…and my dog. Mostly my dog. And I like kayaking and going to the beach! 4. What […]

    Continue Reading April 6, 2018

  • 8-Ways-To-Best-Treat-Dry-Eyes

    8 Ways To Best Treat Dry Eyes

      Dry eye syndrome is one of the most irritating eye conditions you can have. All that burning, watering, and fluctuating vision disrupts even the smallest events of your day. If you’re a person whose eyes are chronically dry, you know exactly what I’m talking about. So what can you do about it? What are […]

    Continue Reading April 6, 2018

  • 6 Possible Causes Of Your Dry Eye Syndrome

    Dry Eyes – Figure Out The Why Behind The Issue If you often experience cloudy vision that comes and goes, a scratchy, sticky, gritty, or irritated sensation, burning and excess tearing, or fatigue and aching around your eyes, you may have dry-eye syndrome. It’s no fun, and can really affect day-to-day life more than you […]

    Continue Reading March 30, 2018

  • Where Online Eye Exams Fall Short

    Over the last couple of decades, the internet has changed just about every aspect of our lives. From the way we shop to the way we gain information to the way we connect with friends, the Information Age is a very different world. The internet has made so many things easier, but sometimes that convenience […]

    Continue Reading March 30, 2018