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  • Meet Our Staff: Kimberly Adsit

    Meet Our Staff: Kimberly Adsit A.K.A “Kimpossible”

    Name: Kimberly Adsit Position: Business Manager for all three locations Where are you from originally?  Conneaut Lake, PA When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville?  In 1996 when Chris and I opened the practice! What are your interests outside of work? Spending time with my family, music – any way I can be involved […]

    Continue Reading October 18, 2018

  • what does an eye dilation check for ?

    What Does An Eye Dilation Check For?

    Has your eye doctor ever put drops in your eyes that left you with temporary blurry vision and sensitivity to light? Almost everyone who has regular eye exams has been dilated at some point, but you may be wondering what the test actually is, and what an eye dilation checks for? What Is An Eye […]

    Continue Reading September 12, 2018

  • Can I Wear Contacts If I Need Bifocals?

      I Need Bifocals – But I Don’t Want Glasses! We all get to that point in life – the average person starts needing bifocals in their late 30s or early 40s. But what if you’re just sick of wearing glasses? What if you’ve never worn glasses and you don’t want to start now? Or […]

    Continue Reading September 5, 2018

  • Meet Our Staff: Krissy Davis A.K.A. “Awesome”

    Name: Krissy Davis Position: Technician Where are you from originally?  Pittsburgh, PA When did you start working at VS Meadville?  July 2014 What are your interests outside of work? Cooking, camping, and my family What is your favorite task during the workday? I like being a part of helping people maintain their eye health. Who is […]

    Continue Reading September 5, 2018

  • Products We Love: Bifocal Contacts

    Right up there with daily contact lenses, bifocal contacts have evolved and progressed in recent years. They’ve actually been around longer than dailies, but we’re using them more and more all the time. When contact lens wearers get to the point in life where they also need bifocals, things can get frustrating. We think you […]

    Continue Reading September 4, 2018

  • Contact Lens Safety: 10 Dos and Don’ts!

    Contact lenses are AWESOME, but they’re also a medically prescribed device, and can seriously damage your eyes and vision permanently if not handled right. Here’s a little contact lens safety 101 to keep in mind: 1. DO: Wear Contact Lenses According To Their Design. Not all contacts are created equal. Some are designed to be […]

    Continue Reading August 30, 2018