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Why Is UV Light Bad For Your Eyes?


Why Is UV Light Bad For Your Eyes

While sunlight is beneficial to us and our world for many reasons, most of us know too many UV rays can be harmful to our bodies.

But even though in the back of our minds we know we should protect our skin and eyes from the sun, many of us don’t have transition eyeglass lenses or regularly wear sunglasses. In fact, a recent study stated that only 31% of U.S. citizens say they wear sunglasses.

That’s an astonishingly low percent given all the damage UV rays can cause our eyes.

So why is UV light bad for your eyes anyway?

1. UV light can affect the internal health of your eye.

UV rays can be the cause of several internal eye health issues. Macular degeneration, which is a disease where the macula breaks down and central vision deteriorates, and cataracts, a clouding of the lens inside your that makes your vision murky, are two of the major issues that can be brought on by UV rays. Though there are other factors that contribute to these diseases as well, UV rays are known to speed up their onset.

People who have been diagnosed with a choroidal nevus, which is a freckle on the back wall of the eye, are also encouraged to take extra precautions against sunlight.

2. UV light can damage the surface and exterior of your eye.

Too much exposure to intense UV lights, like during a solar eclipse or spending too much time out on the water during a really bright day, can actually cause damage to the front of your eye. These corneal flash burns are similar to a sunburn and can be very uncomfortable. They may cause light sensitivity, blurred vision, and pain.

3. UV light can cause the sensitive skin surrounding your eyes to deteriorate.

The tissue and skin surrounding our eye sockets is very thin. Because of this, it’s delicate and sensitive, needing to be treated carefully. Consistent sunburn around our eyes can cause structural damage to the skin, over time giving people a weathered or fatigued look. More importantly, continually exposing this skin to UV rays increases the chance of developing skin cancer around the eyes.

4. UV light can cause eye strain and fatigue.

When bright sunlight causes us to squint and concentrate hard, it can quickly bring on eye strain and headaches. Avoid unnecessary irritation by protecting your eyes on those sunny days!


Now that you know why UV light is bad for your eyes, you can take steps to prevent the damage and get on with enjoying those bright sunny days. We love picking out sunglasses or individualized transition eyeglass lenses – are you ready?

Click the button below to request your consultation with our optical staff, and get the best transition eyeglasses or sunglasses for you as an individual: