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  • The Role Of Tears

    We cry for all kinds of reasons: a stubbed toe, a particularly poignant scene in a movie, freshly cut onions — the list goes on.

    Continue Reading February 28, 2018

  • Taking Care of Your Eyes in the Digital Age

    From the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed, more and more of us are on our smartphones, tablets, computers or other digital devices. That’s a lot of eyeballs glued to a lot of screens. If you count yourself among the 90% of adults who spend two or more hours a […]

    Continue Reading December 28, 2017

  • 6 Benefits To Transition Eyeglass Lenses

    6 Benefits To Transition Eyeglass Lenses

    Transition eyeglass lenses, sometimes referred to as photochromic lenses, were originally invented in the 1960s. A brilliant chemist employed by Corning Glass Works named Daniel Stookey invented photochromic glass. Just a few years later, another Corning Glass chemist, Roger Araujo, used his technology to design the first photochromic lenses. However, it wasn’t until the 1970s […]

    Continue Reading December 5, 2017

  • Diabetes And Your Eyes: How Does Blood Sugar Affect Your Vision?

      The Widespread Effect Of Diabetes Type 1 and type 2 diabetes affect both children and adults in the U. S. today, and the numbers aren’t going down. If you or someone you know has diabetes, you are probably aware that it has the potential to damage most parts of the body. What about diabetes […]

    Continue Reading November 15, 2017

  • Anti-Reflective Coating On Glasses: Six Things You Need To Know

    If you’ve bought a pair of specs within the last decade, walked by an optical, or watched tv long enough to see any optical commercials, you’ve undoubtedly heard about anti-reflective coating on glasses. So what exactly is anti-reflective coating, and is it really that important to your next pair of glasses? Before your next eyewear […]

    Continue Reading November 9, 2017