6 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight As You Age
As we get older, our bodies don’t function as well as they used to, and that includes our eyes.
As we get older, our bodies don’t function as well as they used to, and that includes our eyes.
Our world is filled with a staggering array of animal life, and today we’d like to take a closer look at some of the best eyes nature has to offer.
If a person is going to struggle with an eye condition, it usually develops during their early childhood or adolescent years. Many children suffer from eye conditions, and oftentimes no one knows it until they fail a school screening or it is discovered during an eye health check. The good news is, its okay, it […]
Hey parents, it’s important to get your children’s eyes checked at a young age. We see patients as young as 5 years old, and we know that just like going to the dentist or the regular doctor, sometimes coming to the eye doctor can freak your kid out a little bit. We completely get it […]
Most of us remember going to the school nurse as a child, covering one eye at a time, and reading off lines from the big E chart to find out if we needed glasses.
Name: Dr. Dustin J. Mitchell Position: Optometrist Where are you from originally? Clarion, PA When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville? September 2012 What are your interests outside of work? Running, hunting, and spending time with my family. What is your favorite task during the workday? Fitting specialty contact lenses. Who is someone you aspire […]
Wearing glasses for the first time can be a difficult adjustment for any child.
Have you been keeping an eye out for the best vitamins for maintaining healthy vision?
Name: Michelle Proper Position: Receptionist Where are you from originally? Guys Mills, PA When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville? September 2018 What are your interests outside of work? Reading, listening to music, watching movies (I’m a Marvel fanatic!) What is your favorite task during the workday? Interacting with patients, but I especially love […]