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Optician Recommendations: Jess R. and Finding Your Frame Niche


Jess R


Jess is one of our opticians in Meadville and she is enthusiastic about helping our patients find their ideal eyewear. Read on to learn about her recommendations!

One of my biggest hobbies is baking, so just being able to see in general makes baking and everyday life a lot simpler! I also like to be outside and recently tried transitions which are very convenient on beautiful sunny days! I think some people expect them to function like sunglasses while driving, so in this scenario, I wouldn’t recommend them because they don’t darken behind the windshield. I would, however, recommend transitions to anyone who spends a lot of time outside or experiences light sensitivity. I honestly love everything about my lenses. The non-glare especially helps me with nighttime driving, which I love! I recommend it to everyone because I believe it honestly helps that much!

When it comes to frames, I personally love the Furla line. But the frames I recommend completely depend on the person I’m assisting. Some people want sturdier frames, others only want a backup pair to wear at night once they remove their contact lenses, and then some people want something specific, and we can usually accommodate that as well!

There’s a L.A.M.B. frame (LA096) that has a dalmatian pattern mixed with tortoiseshell. I couldn’t personally rock this frame (I tried haha,) but it looks amazing on one of our opticians, and I’m excited to see who picks it out! Ted Baker frames are also always a huge hit! I often recommend Lily Pulitzer for women who have a more petite face. When finding frames for men, I typically go the Titanflex route because men tend to want something a little more sturdy, and the frames are mostly titanium, which makes them durable.
For kids, it all depends on the kiddo. Most of our designer frames for children are flexible and sturdy, which is ideal for little ones, but the color-changing frames are exciting and seem to be a big hit too!