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6 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight As You Age


Can You Protect Your Eyesight As You Age?

Getting older means our bodies gradually stop functioning as well as they used to, and that includes our eyes.

As we age, our eyes are at a higher risk of developing eye conditions. All of us, if we live long enough, will experience the common effects of presbyopia, cataracts, and dry eyes. Others of us will develop more high-risk conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

So is it possible to hope for long-lasting and healthy vision?

Guard Your Sight With Eye-Healthy Habits

There’s so much you can do to protect your eyesight as you age!

No matter your age, start building healthy habits to promote eye health today, even if your eyesight is perfect.

Long-term habits are key to preventing chronic eye problems. There are a few things you can do in your daily life to reduce your risk of developing age-related vision problems — and stay healthier overall.

1. Maintain An Active Lifestyle

Staying active is great for the health of your entire body, eyes included.

Studies show that people who lead sedentary lives tend to show greater vision loss as they age than people who stay active.

If you hate jogging or going to the gym, find some other sport or outdoor activity that makes you excited to get moving.

2. Eat Your Vegetables (And Fruits And Lean Meats)

The foods we eat are how our eyes get the nutrients they need to recover from damage and stay in good shape.

Good eye-healthy foods to incorporate into your diet are bell peppers, carrots, dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, blueberries, turkey, and wild salmon.

6 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight As You Age

3. Remember Your Sunglasses

Sunlight, even indirect sunlight, can damage our eyes, and what’s worse? That damage is cumulative over the course of our lives.

You can keep your eyes safe with good UV-blocking sunglasses.

4. Don’t Smoke

Building good habits is great, but we should also avoid the bad ones.

Smoking is harmful to every system in the body, including eyes.

We always hear about the increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease from smoking, but it also increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts!

5. Get To An Eye Doctor Immediately If…

Some age-related issues develop gradually, while others may seem to come out of nowhere. Call us immediately if you experience symptoms like sudden blurriness or vision loss, an increase in the number of “floaters” you see, eye pain, double vision, flashes of light, or redness or swelling of your eye or eyelid.

Any of these could indicate an urgent, sight-threatening condition that needs immediate treatment.

6. Remember To Schedule Eye Exams!

The eye doctor is your best resource for catching vision-threatening problems early on, but only if you’re doing your part: scheduling regular appointments.


We want you to be able to continue doing all the vision-related things you love, so if we haven’t seen you in a while, don’t hesitate – click here to schedule your next appointment!