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Anti-reflective Coating on Glasses – 6 Things You Should Know



You’ve undoubtedly heard of Anti-reflective coating when it comes to eyeglasses. But what is it, and is it really necessary? Well, to be honest, anti-reflective (AR) or non-glare lenses are an essential part of your eyeglasses experience. However, not all AR coatings are created equally! Here are a few things to know about anti-reflective lenses to ensure that you’re getting the clearest vision and best eye protection in your new glasses.


1. Anti-reflective lenses give you clearer, sharper vision

It’s no surprise, our eyes use light to see. But harmful UV light can also be a huge problem for our eyes.
When eyeglass lenses are made without an anti-reflective coating, light bounces off the surface of the uncoated lenses — creating glare and strained vision.
Many people have noted catching bursts of glare, especially while driving at night, and some people have reported seeing the reflection of their own eyes looking back at them!
Having an anti-reflective coating on your lenses allows light to be distributed through the lens, which absorbs glare and lets you see clearly without reflections!


2. Anti-reflective coating lets others see you more clearly

Remember how we mentioned that uncoated lenses create glare? Well, it isn’t only you that struggles to see through that glare. Because light is not distributed across uncoated lenses, glare is present on the surface of the lens. This means, not only will you struggle to see past the glare, but others will struggle to see your eyes through it! This is especially noticeable in pictures. So if you have a big day with a photo shoot on your calendar, make sure your lenses are anti-reflective!


3. Anti-reflective coating helps reduce eye strain and protect your eyes

Yes, you read that right! Because anti-reflective coating allows light to pass through the lens, your eyes can relax instead of straining against the glare.
Not only should non-glare lenses relax your eyes, but a good AR coating should also contain UV protection to protect your eyes and the skin around them from harmful UV rays. 
Since digital devices and technology are ever-present in our lives, glare is an increasing struggle for those of us that wear eyeglasses. Thankfully, as technology advances, so does anti-reflective technology! Certain anti-reflective coatings also help to decrease blue light transmitted from digital devices, which adds even more relaxation and protection to your precious eyes!


4. A “Scratch Coat” is not the same as an Anti-reflective coating

When plastic lenses first came out, the material was much softer and scratched more easily than glass—the previous lens material of choice. Because of this, people had to buy a “scratch coat” to protect their lenses. Older anti-reflective coatings were then applied like a varnish to the surface of the lenses and would easily peel off and scratch (yikes!)
Today, however, most non-glare lenses are tougher and designed to resist scratches. While certain insurances might require a purchase of a scratch coat for warranty purposes,
most anti-reflective lenses come with a scratch warranty from the manufacturer – giving you peace of mind should any harm befall your beloved spectacles!


5. Anti-reflective lenses have evolved

Anti-reflective coatings were first created in 1935, and unfortunately, some eye care providers still use this type of AR coating, even today! But thanks to innovation and new technology, non-glare components can now be applied to lenses through a detailed heating process. Meaning, the AR is not simply a coating, but an integral part of the lens itself. Be sure to look out for the difference in these technologies and make sure that your anti-reflective lenses bring you out of 1935 by giving you both superior clarity and scratch protection!


6. There’s an Anti-reflective lens for everyone

Your glasses should reflect your lifestyle and fit your specific needs. At Vision Source Meadville, we offer the best anti-reflective lenses available and our opticians are happy to meet with you and help you determine which non-glare lenses will best meet your needs!

Schedule an appointment today so we can help you find your new favorite pair of eyeglasses!