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Meet Our Staff: Melinda Peters A.K.A. “Mrs. Peters”




Where are you from originally?

Richfield, PA

When did you start working at Vision Source Meadville?

March 2011

What are your interests outside of work?

I really just like hanging out with my family and friends. I’m also involved with different kids ministries at church.

What is your favorite task during the workday?

I like helping people pick out their glasses, and my favorite part is helping them order their lenses and being able to give recommendations on what they as an individual need.  

What do you feel is your greatest strength that you bring to the workplace? 

A positive attitude and organizational skills.

Who is someone you aspire to be like and why?

Jesus – I want to display the fruits of the Spirit like Him.

Where would your ideal vacation be?

A cabin in the woods.

What’s your favorite place to go/ thing to do in our community?

I like to go get coffee at Twin Pies and then walk around the shops in Linesville.

Name one exciting thing about your life right now:

I’m excited that Liam (my son) is starting kindergarten next year, and to be working more here at the office in the fall.

What is the best thing about working at Vision Source Meadville? 

Working with and for people that I love. Because of Dr. Adsit and Kim’s hearts for people, I can come to my job and know I am working for a purpose greater than myself.