8 Ways To Best Treat Dry Eyes
Dry eye syndrome is one of the most irritating eye conditions you can have. All that burning, watering, and fluctuating vision disrupts even the smallest events of your day. If you’re a person whose eyes are chronically dry, you know exactly what I’m talking about. So what can you do about it? What are the best ways to treat dry eyes?
Here at Vision Source Meadville, Dr. Adsit and Dr. Mitchell treat many of our patients for dry eye syndrome, and we’ve discovered that there are several treatments which may significantly improve or at least manage your symptoms. Below are eight of our doctor-recommended treatment options:
Eight Ways To Best Treat Dry Eyes:
1. Use A Humidifier
Might seem like a simple fix, but just hydrating the air around you can help your eyes and eyelids immensely!
2. Apply Warm Compresses
Every morning when you wake up, get a washcloth as hot as you can without burning yourself. Use it to gently massage around your eyes, cleaning your top and bottom lids. This will help to express the glands on your eyelids that allow healthy oils to coat your eyes and make them comfortable. It will also help dissolve and wash away those “crusties” you may sometimes wake up with.
3. Treat Dry Eyes With Artificial Tears
Using a good artificial tear can help lubricate your eyes when your own natural tears aren’t enough. The great thing about artificial tears is that you can use them as many times a day as seems necessary for you as an individual. Make sure you get a good quality over the counter drop, such as Systane or Refresh Tears. Make a mental note – artificial tears are one product where off brands don’t usually get the job done!
4. Incorporate Healthy Fats And Omega 3s Into Your Diet
Treat your dry eyes and the rest of your body right with healthy nutrients! When eaten as a regular part of your diet, healthy omega 3s and fats can improve the quality of your tear film. Many of these omega 3s are found in fish and other kinds of seafood. If, however, you are like some of us who don’t particularly like this genre of the food pyramid, taking a good fish oil supplement may be a good option. Here at Vision Source Meadville, we have these dry eye supplements available for purchase.
5. Give Your Eyes Consistent Breaks Throughout The Day
Things like computer work and reading are known to dry our eyes out more. Any project where you find yourself staring or concentrating for long periods of time means you are most likely blinking less often than you normally do. Take scheduled breaks throughout your workday to rest your eyes, and try to be as conscious as possible about deliberately blinking.
6. Ask Your Optometrist To Prescribe You Drops
If you come to a point where you have exhausted natural remedies and you’re still struggling to control the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, it may be time to talk with your eye doctor about prescription drops. Stronger medicated drops such as Restasis or Xiidra drops can often help treat dry eyes when over the counter tears do not provide enough relief.
7. See An Ophthalmologist To Consider Punctal Plugs
Punctal plugs are actually silicone plugs that can be inserted into the puncta, which are the minuscule holes in our lower eyelids close to our nose. Normally, these holes act as a drain for excess tears. But in the case of someone who has dry eyes, they may need their own natural tears to stay on their eyes longer. Your eye doctor can refer you to an ophthalmologist who will be able to insert these small plugs for you.
8. Talk To Your Eye Doctor About Scleral Lenses
Some optometrists work with specialty contact lenses called scleral lenses. These lenses are specifically designed to help people who struggle with dry eye syndrome. They actually hold a small reservoir of saline solution on your eyes throughout the day, keeping them hydrated and your vision more clear. This is a particularly exciting option for people who would love to wear contacts but cannot wear normal ones due to the discomfort of their dry eyes. Here at Vision Source Meadville, Dr. Mitchell has fit many of his patients with scleral lenses. Click here to set up an appointment with him!
Lots of people struggle with dry eye syndrome, but it is manageable! Don’t keep living uncomfortably; try some of these simple remedies or click the button below for your dry eye consultation with one of our doctors: